Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Cycle Therapy

I've ridden a bike all my life but unusual circumstances this summer have provided new insights. Bob's knee surgery has kept him from resuming his regular rides because of challenges getting on and off the bike. Instead, we've been riding around the neighborhood, never more than a mile or so from home on familiar streets.

Unexpected bonus: these little junkets have given me the opportunity to improve my own basic skills, always deficient but ignored until this summer. I didn't even notice the change until last week, when I realized that I could complete a circle or U-turn without putting my foot down. I can also start off on one push and stand up on the bike, easily stop and start without wobbling, get on and off without worrying too much about catching my foot -- very simple but important skills that weren't really up to par.

I've always been afraid of car traffic but find that my ability to see and hear cars has improved now that I'm more comfortable on the bike. And my own left knee, ten months out from total knee replacement surgery, seems to be better every day. Looking forward to being  more confident when Bob gets back to "real" riding soon.