Still, my routine is not really so different from my "normal" before we went to Florida. Then, I was decluttering and cleaning in preparation for our move, and I have to keep it up, since the buyers of our house take possession on May 1. Yesterday, I spent the day doing laundry, disinfecting the kitchen, vacuuming. I felt proudest of washing all my re-usable bags and anything from Florida and wiping down our luggage with Lysol wipes. Today I'm going to deal with my purses, shoes and incidentals I missed yesterday.
Friday's other projects:
- wash bed linens and blankets (almost done)
- drive by the new house
- do a little outdoor spring clean-up
- re-visit remaining work in the attic
- fill the trash barrel for Monday
- watch Frozen -- I made the phrase "let it go" my mantra some time ago but have never seen the movie
For me, the isolation was worse when I was laboring alone in the attic and basement in the weeks before Christmas and during the month of February. However, I will soon begin to miss my lap swimming at the Y and a much needed trip to the hair salon. I did cut my own bangs a few days ago, not very well (no pictures, pease), but good enough for someone who will not be going out any time soon. The Governor's stay-at-home order takes effect just before midnight.