Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Holiday Deck Lights

Deck lights are on again
Off and on in the 10+ years we've enjoyed our deck we've had small clear lights across the top perimeter. Last summer I replaced them all, with used Christmas lights, and wondered how long it would be before I'd have to do the job again. The answer came when we returned from Florida after leaving the deck lights on 24X7 for the month we were gone.

All three strings were out, two of them completely. No amount of jiggling restored the connection so I removed the lights and did the job again, this time in the chilling cold of an April afternoon instead of the bright warmth of a Minnesota summer morning. One set was old and the other two were brand new "out of the box", bought last November with this specific failure in mind. Bob reminded me that I could have replaced the little battery in each set, but I just didn't feel up to it.

The lights aren't LED. I'm usually in favor of anything energy efficient but I got discouraged several years ago when the squirrels destroyed a half-dozen expensive sets of  LED lights that may have looked a little too much like appetizing fruit. However, I feel guilty and think I'll try LED again next time I have to do deck lighting.

The construction workers next door watched me work with some interest, maybe wondering if I'd lost track of the season. With unusual restraint, I refrained from commenting on my achievement and enjoyed the cheerful brightness when the rain fell in the evening.