Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Back to the Pool!

After several years of swimming at least every other day, I felt bereft when gyms and pools closed late last winter. After the Y re-opened with strict mask regulations and other COVID protocols, I still felt uncomfortable with the idea of returning to a pool.

Even after full vaccination, I hesitated ... until Monday. I made a reservation at the Woodbury Y for a session in the "leisure pool", since lane reservations were full. When I got to the Y, my glasses fogged up in the warm air and I had to navigate as well as I could to the unfamiliar lockers. Fortunately, the sign for POOL is in upper case letters, so I had no problem getting to the pool deck.

The leisure pool was, of course, inadequate for a lap swimmer, but at least I got to see that I am certainly good enough to swim laps in this environment. Only one younger guy was a very good swimmer, so I figured I'd manage well enough for a 50-minute session, if I could get a reservation. About half-way through my little swim in the leisure pool, the lifeguard told me that the lady in the far lane usually leaves early and promised to let me know when I could have the lane. And she did.

I swarm 16 laps reasonably well for someone who hadn't been in the water for over a year. When I got home, I felt exhilarated and immediately made a reservation for a session today. I'm so happy!

Sunny Days Ahead

The last year has been arduous: the COVID-19 pandemic isolated us and sickened many, killed about 570,000 in the United States, over 3 million world wide; unrest in Washington, including the tragic events of January 6; police involved killings and a shocking murder trial in Minneapolis, ending in the conviction of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin; a long winter with no cheerful short trips or our usual month of March in Florida.

There have been many moments of joy too. At the very top,  I count the birth of our youngest grandchild early New Year's Day. John Robert Hennessey was the first baby born in the Twin Cities in 2021, the son of Chris and Melissa and latest sibling for Lena, Everett, Eloise and Aggie. I enjoyed lovely walks on the paths in the neighborhood, with many photo ops. Bob and I explored Washington County on pleasant drives as we watched summer burst into a colorful fall before winter snow covered the landscape. Most recently, we've been waiting for spring to finally take over, perhaps this weekend when temperatures may reach 70F.

Another major highlight was getting the Pfizer vaccine. Bob was fully vaccinated in February and I in March, and many family members and friends are now vaccinated as well. Restrictions on contact are gradually being lifted across the country and, most relevant to us, in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

We've actually planned a family getaway for Memorial Day weekend. Looking forward to a happy, healthy summer!