Friday, May 24, 2024


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The day finally arrived. I woke up at my usual time and went through my usual morning routine – Spanish, Wordle, stock market review. Took the required shower (first one was last night) and cleaned the guest bathroom. Did a last load of laundry. Chris arrived shortly after 9:30 and headed with Bob and me to the hospital in non-rush hour traffic. Arrived before my 10:50 appointment and almostimmediately got into the pre-op routine. Bob and Chris were with me until I went into surgery at 2:30 -- they had a very long wait because I didn’t get out of surgery until 6:30 and weren't allowed to see me until just before visiting hours ended at 8:00. It was a very hard day for them, and I really appreciated their presence.

The biopsy during surgery was “inconclusive” for now. Someone on the medical team talked to Bob and Chris and said we’d have results in about a week. I think I’ll have a chance to talk to one of the two surgeons tomorrow, and I expect to be more “with the program” then, so I’ll have a clearer understanding of what’s ahead.

The right lung middle lobe was removed. I woke up from surgery quickly, though for the first seconds I thought I was in the recovery room from a previous surgery – not sure which one. I had ice chips  and apple juice, got my phone and laptop. The oxygen sensor on my left middle finger makes it hard to type and I fear that talk-to-text would require too many corrections. I finally got into a room at about 9, I think. I've been up already and am fairly stable, though I've been warned not to walk on my own.

Nurses and techs keep coming in to check and, well, test. I can read results on my online chart, and everything is normal so far. I'm still drinking juice and cooling my mouth with ice. My pain is minimal at 11 PM.I really feel as well as anyone could under the circumstances. I’ve texted a few people and talked with Bob. I’m sad that the Timberwolves lost Game 2 to the Mavericks. Thank you, friends, for all the texts, cards and good wishes. I couldn’t be a more fortunate person! Looking forward to a good day tomorrow and a more coherent post.