Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Must be Love!

June 25, 1983
Today Bob and I celebrate our thirty-first wedding anniversary. I never, in my most optimistic dreams, foresaw myself completing over three decades of marriage -- almost half my life. I'm starting to think it's going to last!

In June of 1983, the weather was hot and humid, and reality gradually sank in. I was leaving my job, my family, and my beautiful native land in only a few days. The anticipation of homesickness co-existed with the excitement of preparing for a wedding, and when I couldn't sleep, the words of a friend who predicted that I would be "home within six months" rang in my ears. The sensible side of me saw clearly the folly of marrying someone I had known less than two years, mostly through regular letters and weekly midnight phone calls, when rates were cheaper.

The sweltering heat broke on the morning of our June 25 wedding. The day was wonderfully cool and beautifully bright, and the happiness of the occasion tamed my fears. Our reception for about fifty people was simple, casual and elegant, at "Le Papillon de Rhodes", one of my favorite Greek restaurants on rue Duluth. Our honeymoon in a Nimrod tent trailer was a new experience for me, the first of many unusual and fun vacations with my husband.

The years passed with the usual life events that were not then documented on Facebook. Bob and I both enjoyed being older parents to our son: much of parenting was déjà vu for Bob, but for me it was all new and exciting. Our happiest moments involve family occasions and the opportunities to get together with children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Florida 2014

I don't have much "relationship advice". I live by two "rules": the first is to avoid criticizing my husband's family and the second is the "one year rule". I believe that no one should "waste" more than a year on someone who isn't a clear candidate for a long term relationship. Similarly, a person shouldn't make rash decisions during the inevitable rough spots in a relationship. Let things sort themselves out for a year rather than abandon ship too quickly in the heat of emotion.

There is no traditional gift for the 31st anniversary, a good thing because neither of us is much of a shopper. Instead we're going to dinner and Mike E. Winfield at the Acme Comedy Club. Seems like a good way to celebrate all these years of good times and laughter.