Saturday, June 8, 2024

SPRING AGENDA - THORACIC SURGERY 05.24.24: T+15 - Good to Go!

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I opened the pathology report with a little trepidation on Wednesday, on the first day of the promised  window of "seven to  ten working days".  I can see why it took so long -- the document is extensive, well presented and easy to understand, at least for someone who has been researching lung nodule issues for nearly eight months now. The next day, I had my first post-surgery follow-up at the M Health Fairview thoracic clinic next to St. John's Hospital in Maplewood.

The nodule was indeed cancerous: not the best outcome but certainly not the worst, because the cancer was confined to the nodule and neither surrounding tissue nor lymph nodes were malignant. No further treatment, so no radiation, chemo or other medication. CT scans every 3 months for several years and TBD thereafter. I have to stay current with the usual cancer screenings (skin, mammogram, colonoscopy, etc.). I have another post-surgery appointment in two weeks, and a follow-up with my family medicine clinic on June 21.

I't's almost 9 AM and I've been up for almost five hours. I haven't had any Tylenol yet and feel quite well -- maybe I've made the turn! The pain is no longer a constant reminder of the major underlying change in my anatomy and I should make a full recovery. My biggest limitation will be my own tendency to jump the gun and do too much, rather than too little.

I guess I've now achieved a bizarre Trifecta: multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, cancer.  I expect the grace and good luck I've experienced with the first two will carry me through the third, particularly since I've also been the beneficiary of so many prayers and strong positive energy from family, friends, casual acquaintances and even total strangers.
