Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Late evening seems to be my worst time.  I try not to get settled in bed to watch TV until after sunset (8:48 PM yesterday) and I'm exhausted by then. I was dismayed that it was still very painful to get myself re-positioned once Bob came in after the Timberwolves beat the Mavericks (Dallas; Game 4; 105-100). Crying jag until the last dose of Tylenol kicked in. 

I actually had a good night and felt somewhat refreshed when I woke at 3 AM. No more hunting knife in my back. The instrument of torture felt like a paint scraper or chisel, and I sensed some residual pain from last Friday's baseball bat. This morning I was up shortly after my usual 5 AM and I got back to doing my Spanish in the sunroom. I feel more like "me".

Today is beautiful, nothing like yesterday's intermittent showers. The sun is shining; the sky is blue. I'm listening to "Morning Joe" on MSNBC. The phrase "blocking and tackling", used in this segment in reference to the 2024 presidential campaign, seems to be applicable to my situation as well. Figuratively, of course.

Blocking and tackling. I can do this.