Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

View from the west edge of our yard.
I've written about the property next door twice, once last fall and again a few weeks ago when maple tree and lilacs were eliminated from the landscape. The project has had a happy ending after all.

I always liked Mister Rogers' Neighborhood and I vividly remember my pre-schooler inviting me to see "my show" when he heard the familiar song Won't You Be My Neighbor on TV. When I saw an unfamiliar woman with a girl of about eight walk up the sidewalk toward the new house, I rushed out to introduce myself. I realized as we talked how long we've been without a next-door neighbor to the east and how lovely it will be to have a family living next to us.

My notions of pollinator and butterfly friendly plantings were well received and, in fact, as J. is an experienced gardener, as well as an expert on butterflies and many other issues of interest to environmentalists. Good news for me, a gardening novice.
Lines of the Fred Rogers came into my head: "I've always wanted to have a neighbor just like you. I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you." This is a neighborhood of pleasant people and the new neighbors fit right in.
I've added the last photo to the album.