Saturday, May 25, 2024


 Click for Backstory

The day was almost shockingly easy. I was visited by three people on the thoracic team today at 7 AM and declared in good shape, probably ready for discharge sometime in the afternoon. The morning was filled with blood tests, a chest X-ray from a portable machine wheeled into my room, a session with a physical therapist, and many visits from my nursing team.

After being on a clear liquid diet since Thursday, including three delicious popsicles, I was allowed to have regular food. I ordered a roast beef sandwich on whole wheat bread with swiss cheese, lettuce and tomato (no condiments) and I've never had anything so delicious. A couple of graham crackers and vanilla pudding seemed like a goormet dessert. I also managed to down three cups of hospital coffee, not very good and I really wonder if there was any caffeine in them at all.

My wonderful nurse Alice told me at 12:45 PM that I was being kicked out, so I called Bob, who arrived 45 minutes later but ended up having to wait for about another 45 minutes until I was ready to go. Alice walked me to the pharmacy to pick up my prescriptions, and, for the first time ever, I walked out of a hospital instead of being wheeled.

I've been home for an hour or so and am enjoying a cup of my own Earl Gray tea. I do have some pain in my ribs on the right side, but Tylenol seems to work well on it. Since there won't be any news until I get a biopsy report, I probably won't have anything to blog about for a few days.

So, in the end, there wasn't much drama at all: just excellent medicine in a top medical facility.

1 comment:

Marilyn Marshall said...

Stunningly fast! I guess you are making all this up, to get sympathy!