Saturday, June 1, 2024

SPRING AGENDA - THORACIC SURGERY 05.24.24: T+8 - Veering Toward Normal

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Yesterday was a close to normal day, though I'm still reluctant to be too far from home. We had lunch at Lakewood Tavern to celebrate two birthdays (Chris, May 25; Bob, June 1). There were 10 of us, including not-so-little Aggie and Johnny. It rained off and on all day, so much that we are considered to be out of our long drought.

Today started off cloudy but the sun soon came out and the feel of early summer (a little different from late spring) was in the air. Sonia came over for a visit and then we spent a couple of hours at Meg and Scott's, where they were burning brush. A group of us sat outside and watched as we talked.

While I felt thoroughly tired by mid-afternoon -- totally ready for a cup of tea -- I managed just fine. We are spending the rest of Bob's birthday quietly at home. As long as I keep some pressure on the middle of my back on the right side, I don't notice too much pain. 


Anonymous said...

Glad you got out a bit!

Anonymous said...

Ok my friend, I’m with you. Joan Fink.