Monday, June 3, 2024

SPRING AGENDA - THORACIC SURGERY 05.24.24: T+10 - Enough Already

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I was starting to feel like a whiner and complainer, upset with myself for being a wimp. I'm not used to running out of energy after a short time of activity, or feeling tired in the middle of the afternoon. I have even less familiarity with looking forward to bedtime, but I've been watching the clock every evening.

Yesterday, we went to Mass and breakfast in the morning, and I was totally spent by the time we got home. It wasn't even 11 AM yet, so I was dismayed to feel weighed down by fatigue and lack of ambition. I mentioned the absence of stamina in my regular Sunday call to my sister Marilyn.

I should have known this, but either didn't know or had forgotten that fatigue after surgery is not uncommon. Marilyn reminded me that the body is stressed after surgery and needs time and  rest to repair tissues and heal. Because healing requires a lot of energy, it's not unusual for a person to feel tired. So It's going to take a while, and this knowledge immediately made me better. Marilyn may have spent her career as a psychiatrist but she still gives good medical advice.

🍁In other news, yesterday evening the Edmonton Oilers won the NHL Western Conference by defeating the Dallas Stars in Game 6. On to the Stanley Cup series. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great advise from Marilyn