Thursday, May 23, 2024


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I'm as ready as I can be. My main objective was to make it through the last couple of weeks without getting a cold -- and so far, so good. We've had a lot of rain in the last week and I have the probably mistaken idea that viruses are washed away and the air outside is clear and clean.

Yesterday evening we enjoyed a short visit from DIL Meggan, whose energy and positive attitude are energizing and encouraging. She and other family members will be spending the Memorial Day weekend in the Upper Peninsula. No weekend trip for us this year! As Bob joked yesterday, we'll be celebrating on the East Bank .


Lise said...

Will think of you tomorrow !You are well supported with by strong medical team. and family. Rest well and will look forward to your next post on your blog. Lise

Anonymous said...

Wishing you much success with this surgery. I’m sure you’ll do very well.

Anonymous said...

You’ll be at the hospital by now. Thinking of you every minute!